Passage: Proverbs 2:1-12 (RSV)

Proverbs 2

1My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you,
2making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding;
3yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding,
4if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures;
5then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
6For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
8guarding the paths of justice and preserving the way of his saints.
9Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path;
10for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
11discretion will watch over you; understanding will guard you;
12delivering you from the way of evil, from men of perverted speech,

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