Last updated  28th Mar 1999.
    28th Feb 1999 The Call of Moses.  Exodus 3: 1-15.  Dr Roland Chia
    7th March 1999 Three Spiritual Realities and Your Eternal Destiny.  Exodus 4:29 - 5:21.  Kenneth Thien
    14th March 1999 Windmills in the face of storms.  Exodus 5:22 - 6:12  Rev Yakub Ng
    21st March 1999 How to Live Victoriously.  Rev Stephen Tee.

    28th February 1999
    Speaker:  Dr Roland Chia   {Summarized by Sharon Cheuk }
    Scripture Ref :  Exodus 3: 1 - 15


    Moses was born into a Hebrew family in Egypt.  At that time, the Egyptians suppressed the Hebrews and the murder of all Hebrew male babies was ordered.  But Moses escaped this fate because he was adopted into the royal family.  He had wealth, power and position, and was the heir apparent to the Egyptian throne.  However, one day, he witnessed a Hebrew man being beaten by an Egyptian.  Out of rage, Moses killed the latter.  The act was found out, a death warrant was sent out for Moses, and he ran away into the wilderness for 40 years, where he married Zipporah, a shepherd’s daughter.

    One day, as Moses was tending his father-in-law’s flock of sheep, God appeared to him in a burning bush.  God told Moses to take off his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. Then God proceeded to express his concern for the Israelites who were being oppressed by the Egyptians.  God wanted Moses to lead them out of Egypt into a new land.

    Moses felt a sense of inadequacy for the job but God assured him of His presence and guidance.  Then Moses asked what God’s name was.  God answered,”Tell the Israelites that “I am” has sent me.”  Then God continued to emphasise,” Say to the Israelites, the Lord, the God of your fathers – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob – has sent me to you.  This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.”

    There are 3 lessons we learn from the call of Moses:

    Point 1: The call of Moses required preparation.

    God allowed circumstances to cause Moses to go out into the wilderness.  Little did Moses know that when he experienced the fall from king to shepherd, he was being prepared to shepherd the Israelites out of slavery.  The wilderness experience was not a waste of time and talent; it was instead a time of training and preparation.

    Point 2: The call of Moses required the knowledge of God.

    Sometimes God appears in the most unlikely places, sweeps us away without consuming us, and fills us with a sense of His power and presence.  Moses experienced this when he saw the burning bush.  From then on, Moses started to experience the knowledge of God.

    (a) God is holy.

    The first knowledge he had of God was that God is holy.  God told him to remove his sandals from his feet because he was standing on holy ground.  We need to constantly go before God to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness.

    (b) God is faithful.

    God is also faithful.  God reminded Moses that He was God of Moses’ fathers – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.  In other words, there was a history of God’s faithfulness with Moses’ ancestors.  In times of difficulty, we can be assured of God’s presence and help.
     (c) God is compassionate.

    God was moved by the Israelites’ misery, and told Moses so.

    (d) God has a plan of action.

    God’s plan was to rescue his people and take them into a special land.  Likewise, God has a plan for each of us.

    The knowledge of God is essential to us, because if we receive a call from Him without knowing Him, we will not know how to respond.

    Point 3: The call of Moses requires total surrender.

    Moses thought that he had none of the skills required for the job God had set out for him to do.  God had to assure him repeatedly, first by telling him that He would be with him, and that was enough.  Moses had to learn to surrender himself to God and trust in His guidance.


    In conclusion, we should not ignore God’s calling.  We need to let God prepare us, increase in knowledge of Him and surrender ourselves fully to Him.

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    7th March 1999
    Three Spiritual Realities and Your Eternal Destiny
    Speaker:  Kenneth Ng  { Summarized by Margaret Kong }
    Text : Exodus 4:29 - 5:21
    Spiritual realities determine our attitudes toward life.  There was a pastor who preached about the reality of hell, describing it as a terrible place to be and where people will be gnashing their teeth.  A man stood up and said, "See pastor, no teeth !"  The pastor replied, "In hell, they provide false teeth".  That man triede to ridicule the reality of hell.

    Do you know you are a people of destiny ?  Do you know where you are going ?  Let's read Exodus 4:29 - 5:21.  From previous sermons, we heard about Moses' birth and the burning bush.  God gave Moses a destiny, that was to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  The Israelites' destiny was to come out of Egypt.  That can be your destiny too.  What do I mean ?  Let's look at four realities.

    Reality No. 1 - The Reality of Evil
    We look at things as what is good and what is bad but it is not about that.  It is about GOOD and EVIL.  The world gives us ideas about what is good and evil but we need to look at the Bible to check out the true definition of good and evil.  In Genesis 1:28, man's destiny is to be fruitful, multiply and rule over the earth (to rule with the King of kings).

    Pharoah knew what was going to come next.  The Israelites were fruitful, they multiplied and next, they will rule over the land.  Therefore, he made them slaves and hoped to reduce their lifespan.  The truth is, when you begin to do what is right in God's eyes, evil will surface.

    What is the definition of evil ?  If God is not in the center of it, it is evil.  It is God's desire for his people to worship Him.  This is God's purpose and whatever that oppose this purpose is considered evil.

    Reality No. 2 - The Weakness of Man
    God wants to put the worship of Him into the centre of Israel's life.  In Exodus 40:30, the Israelites bowed down and worshipped God because they believed what God has said and knew that God cares for them.  However, in Exodus 5: 20, 21 when problem came, the Israelites blamed Moses & Aaron.

    When something goes wrong, we tend to blame it on somebody.  We have a blame mentality - looking at the temporary things, temporary problems and unable to see the ETERNAL God. Do not blame the devil  for tempting us for it is because of our OWN evil desires that we let the devil tempt us.

    You have been touched by the Lord.  You have a destiny but somehow when pressures come, they choke us, draw us away from God.  We are unable to bow down and worship God.  We let our problems distract us.  The solution is in the next reality.

    Reality No. 3 - God's Grace
    When God saw the Israelites' negative response, he did not leave them.  Instead, he continued to do what he had promised to do - to deliver them from Egypt.  When you call upon God for help, He will answer you.  We dont have to feel on top of the world in order to find favour with God.  His grace is available for all of us .  God will come to set us free.  God's grace is available not because of how good you are but because He is love.  Example, after the Youth Camp, we feel very high but then some time later, we feel far away from God.  Ask God to help you.  His grace is for you.  If you need assurance of His grace for you, look at Romans 8:38 ...

    Prayer 1
    Thank you Lord that even as we had looked at the story of Moses, we can discover spiritual truth and reality necessary in our lives.  Concerning reality no. 1, help me to be wise, discerning.  Show me things that are not pleasing to you so taht I will not touch them.  Help me to reject them.  I want to maintain a clean record.  In reality no. 2, help me to be humble because I still come short.  Though I have strong faith in You, in my own weaknesses I still fail.  As of reality no. 3, teach me that without you I can do nothing.  Help me to desire more of You".

    God's Grace (Continued)
    What is the biggest demonstration of God's grace ?  Easter Day.  He knows that we are weak.  We sin against Him and against one another.  Penalty of sin is death, gnashing of teeth, separation from God, united with the punishment that comes from hell.  God gave us Jesus.  Jesus took our sins to the cross.  All you have to do is say, "Jesus, come and forgive me of my failings, my sins.  Save me Lord and cme to be my Lord.  If you have never accepted Jesus in you life, say the next prayer to Jesus.

    Prayer 2
    "Jesus, I want You to become the Lord of my life.  I confess my sins and I am sorry for my sins.  I ask for your forgiveness.  I thank You Jesus for saving me, for setting me free from the bondages of evil and death.  Thank You Jesus."  AMEN

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    14th March 1999
    Windmills in the face of storms
    Speaker:  Rev. Yakub Ng  { Summarized by Sharon Cheuk }
    Text : Exodus 5:22 – 6: 12

    God calls each one of us to be His agents of change.  However, once we respond, there will be a lot of obstacles in our way.  Things will get tougher and tougher as we are used by God.  Usually this will cause us to shrink back and ask ourselves why we do what we do!

    Moses went through the entire process of hearing God’s call, facing problems when trying to do what God wants, and having feelings of self-doubt as a result.

    Point 1: Hearing God’s call.
    Moses heard God through the burning bush and responded accordingly.  God strengthened him and assured him of His help and guidance.

    Point 2: Facing obstacles and pressures.
    As Moses tried to carry out God’s will, he faced intense pressure from within and without.  Not only did Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go, he increased the workload of the Israelites’ - they not only have to make bricks but now forced to find the raw materials themselves.  The Israelites, faced with increased hardship, blamed Moses.

    Point 3: Moses went back to God for a recharge.
    Moses did the right thing by going back to God.  God repeated his calling to Moses.  God also repeated His own name.  “I am the Lord” infers that God is perpetually existing.  God also reminded Moses that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – this infers that God is an active God, working actively in the lives of His people.  God continued to remind Moses about the covenant made between the Israelites and God, that the land of Canaan would be given to them.

    The path that God leads us to go is not necessarily smooth all the way.  Like Moses, along the way, you will meet obstacles / hardships / resistances / opposition.  Some people give excuses like Moses and even give up God's calling or vision for them.   But when the going gets tough, that is the time when the Tough gets going !

    Windmills are made to face winds but it is not always easy to face the wind, especially big storms.  However, when windmills turn to face the wind, they receive and give energy and perform useful work in the process.

    Turn to God for guidance, assurance and renewal.  Are you facing hardship or opposition in the path God called you ?  Be like the windmill - be like Moses - turn to God.  Do not complain or give up.


    Windmills in the face of Storms - Rev Yakub (14 Mar 99)
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    21st March 1999
    How to Live Victoriously
    Speaker:  Rev. Stephen Tee  { Summarized by Margaret Kong }

    Is there anyone of you who does not have a problem ?  There was a man who asked the taxi driver to take him to a peaceful place.  So the driver drove to a place outside the city and said "This is where you have peace forever".  The place he was referring to was the cemetery.  As long as we are on this earth, we will face problems.  In John 16: 33b Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world".  If God is for you, nothing can be against you.

    There are four principles to live a life of victory.

    Principle 1 - The Victorious Man is a Man of Worship
    Look at Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20.  There were five armies that came against him.  Many kings would shake but instead of fearing, king Jehoshaphat called the people together to seek and worship God.  God told them (2 Chronicles 20: 15) "... for the battle is not yours, but God's" and the people continued to worship God.  On the battle day, the Lord set ambushes against the enemies (vs 22) and God delivered Jehoshaphat.

    Another example that we can look at is in Acts 16: 14-26.  Paul and Silas were preaching in Philippi where they were put into prison because Paul cast out an evil spirit from a slave girl.  Paul and Silas did not complain when they were in prison but they prayed and sang hymns to God until midnigt and all the other prisoners were listening to them.  There is no excuse why we could not sing to God when Paul and Silas could sing even in the depths of the dungeons and prison.  Suddenly, there was an earthquake and the prison doors opened.  Worship and praise will result in deliverance.  When you are in trouble, don't moan and groan because it will only lead you into deeper trouble.  Instead, praise and worship God.

    Principle 2 - The Victorious Man is a Man of Prayer
    Prayer is communication and fellowship with God.  In Acts 16:25, we read that Paul and Silas prayed.  Don't treat God like a banker.  Talk to God like a friend, like a father.  If you want to be successful especially in ministry, you need to pray.

    Principle 3 - The Victorious Man is a Man of the Word.
    A man of the Word loves the Word of God and reads the Word.  Why do we need to be a man of the Word ?  Look in Matthew 7:24-27 concerning the man who built his house on the rock and another who built his house on the sand.  When you build your house on the rock, you will need a lot of time and money because you need to dig deep and lay the foundation on the rock.  In Luke 6:48b Jesus said "And when the flood arose ..."  Jesus did not use the word "if", He used "when".  This shows that the flood will come but we do not know when.  So, we better build our house on the rock because one day the storm will come.  Get your roots deep into the ground

    Principle 4 - The Victorious Man is a Man of Faith
    Do you have faith ?  Yes we do because if we do not have faith we cannot be saved.  Whose faith is it ?  It is God's faith.  You don't try to have faith.  No need to pump faith.  In Mark 11:22 Jesus said "Have faith in God"  The more accurate Greek translation is 'Have God's faith'.  Why is it important for us to have faith ?  We need faith to please God (Hebrews 11: 6).  What happens when we please Him ?  He will reward us.

    The Lord wants you to be a man of worship, a man of prayer, a man of the Word and a man of faith.  Do you want to be such a man ?  (man here refers to both male and female).

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    2nd May 1999
    Are you sure you have eternal life ?
    Speaker:  Pastor Herbert Tong  { Summarized by Margaret Kong }

    Suppose that you die tonight, do you know where you’re going?  How many of you can say to yourself, “I live, I live for Jesus. I die, it is gain for me into the Kingdom of God, to eternal life.” ?

    Do you have assurance of your salvation?  In the book of Hebrews, it says that the time is coming.  You don’t need anyone to tell you because God will put His laws in your heart.  He gives you the anointing. (1 John 2:20, 27). Salvation will not be taken away from you unless you give it away.  Do you have that salvation or you may have it but you are not sure.  If you are not sure, it means that you will still go to heaven but while you are on earth, you will not live a victorious life.

    A man bought a piece of land for a very cheap price.  The land was rocky, and has shallow soil.  He worked very hard on the land and put in fertilizers but when the rain came, the fertilizers flowed into the river.  He didn’t know that underneath the soil there is gold.  He sold his land and the other man who bought it found gold in the land.  If you are not sure about your salvation, you are like the first man, living on top of a gold mine.  He didn’t know about the riches beneath him.

    You may say to yourself that you want to enjoy life on this earth but that kind of life may lead you to hell.  A few years ago in Canada, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were very popular.  A group of young people were hospitalized because their characters changed due to demonic forces.  Many people have been affected by ghost movies and demonic movies, because we have a spirit in us.  Therefore, anything that is demonic can lay hold of us and twist us around.  Jesus is looking for people to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  In John 3, Jesus said we need to be born again in the Holy Spirit.  John 1 says that whoever receives Jesus, God gave them power to become the sons of God – Born of the Spirit and not of the flesh.

    The workers at Gunung Emas reported of seeing floating heads in the night and some had nightmares.  It was found that in their quarters, there were demonic figures such as knives, drugs, sex and pictures of Michael Jackson: They had also been listening to Michael Jackson.  Michael is a homosexual. He sinned against God because he tried to change his face.  If you don’t like your face/body, you are despising God’s work.  Michael didn’t like himself. He worships Satan and makes sacrifices to Satan.  Do you know that his songs are inspired by Satan?  A girl in London suffers from rashes on her body because she did not like her face and voice.  She has pictures of film stars in her room and everyday she was yearning to be like them.  When you play computer games, your minds, body and coordination focus on that game.  Your spirit begins to move with the coordination.  And if the coordination is filled with evil spirits, your spirit will be zapped by them.  Keep away from every evil.  Have nothing to do with them.  In Leviticus 19:31, we are not to have any communication with the spirits in the spirit world because they will make you unclean.  Some of the computer games are inspired by the devil – the vocabulary used are not glorifying to God. The games even include names of certain gods or dark powers.

    In the 1970’s, a group of students in Perth studied ancient art.  Some of the guys practiced what they studied and bought some antiques.  They ended up with disfigured faces.  In these last days, the devil is using his utmost power. People are worshipping idols made by man.  How can Jesus cover you when you choose to do the wrong things like worshipping idols?  You must get rid of the devil’s property from you and your house, then you’ll be able to cast out the evil spirits.

    Our salvation lies in Jesus Christ because if we have Christ, eternal life is in us.  It is written in 1 John 5:11, 12, “And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not has the Son of God does not have life” I ask you again – Suppose that you die tonight, do you know where you’re going?

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